2. The Low-Humidity, High Pressure Fart (a.k.a. - the Fart Needles)
A seriously stinging ripper that causes your own sphincter to painfully slap itself.
3. The High-Humidity, Low Pressure Fart (a.k.a. - the Ghost Fart)
A deep, deadly slow fart that is normally silent, unless you have a shaved asshole, then it sounds like a waterfall inside a car wash.
4. The Case of the Missing Mud
More about this one another day...for now what you need to know is that someone else will find that mud you lost unless you stop and strip and bag up everything you were wearing and get in the shower now.
5. Silent But Deadly (a.k.a. - SBD)
6. The Rat Fart
A simple one note popper that stinks like an A.S.P.
7. The Beer Fart
8. The Fish Fart
The Hall of the Immortals may only be entered after the tacos are gone.
WDF 2018
your face was last modified: May 17 2018 17:28:30.